Friday, July 08, 2005

Dies Irae

Last night I was able to see the Verdi Requiem(my brother says I didn't see the Verdi Requiem, but that's a subject for another time, and actually being discussed on BB). I didn't have a program because they ran out, but I'm pretty sure the section I'm talking about is the Dies Irae. This movement is usually the most favorite of any requiem masses. You probably even recognize most of the Dies Irae sections without realizing it. I went to this concert with Weasel(non-music major) and he actually recognized that section from cartoons and movies and what-not. I didn't recognize it myself, but I could definitely see it being used. A great example of Dies Irae being used is in X-Men 2. The scene where Nightcrawler makes an assassination attempt. That music is from Mozart's Requiem, although the orchestration has been expanded to include more instruments.

The rest of the Verdi Requiem was alright. There were some really good parts, but there were parts that seem ill-fitted to a requiem, and parts that just didn't seem all the great. I also still have problems listening to 4 operatic singers acapella, and trying to actually hear something other than an octave-wide vibrato. I must admit that I also fell asleep through more than I care to admit. Oh well. It has its moments and they were quite good.


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