Friday, July 08, 2005

Feeling Special

You know, with finals week being a joke for a music major, and studying is at a minimal, I've written quite a lot of things on this blog. More than every other day. I'm already so bored out of my mind that I'm ready for next semester to start, and finals aren't even over. At least that'll probably change as I get used to it and when I head out to see my sister.

Anyway, onto my blog. So yesterday, after writing up my slight changes of career plans, I head out to Kroger's to buy groceries. It's also my brother's birthday, and he wanted an ice cream cake. I looked but to no avail. I just had no clue where to get one, and had to give up on that search.

Anyway, as I'm looking around Kroger's a little girl comes joyfully up to me and starts talking to me. Now, I've been to about 10 different elementary schools and taught at at least four of them this semester. So my mind is racing to figure out where I know this child from. She said, "Remember, you got me up in class to measure my height." I used her to measure how tall a trombone is in the little brass demenstration. She was so excited to see me and talk to me. I just thought, "That is awesome." It made me feel pretty good. It's been almost 4 weeks since I'd even last seen them and she pointed me right out in the store.

The only thing that concerned me was how long it took me to remember her. I'm absolutely terrible with names, so bad that I never use names, even among the people I'm around daily. I couldn't tell you her name, and if that's what I'll end up doing. I could end up with 600 names of kids that I'll need to remember. But for now, I'll bask in the knowledge that this little child remembered me and the lesson I gave enough to greet me and talk to me in Kroger's.


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